Friday, May 22, 2020

Dont tell me youre busy

Dont tell me youre busy Lets abolish the word busy. When you ask someone, How have you been? and they say, Busy, it doesnt mean anything. Im sick of it. We all have the same 24 hours to fill. Everyones are filled with something. The difference is that the busy people feel frenetic during those hours. Those of you who walk around telling everyone how busy you are, get a grip. Make some tough choices and calm down. Theres a big difference between a busy day and a full day. The former is so frantic that you arent effective. Dont tell me you cant help it. You can. Here are the steps to take: 1. Recognize that a frenetic life is a life half lived. You should aim for Flow, a concept from Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Flow is a unique state of mind where productivity and creativity are at their highest. Csikszentmihalyi shows, in his wide-ranging study, that Flow generates the grand ideas, phenomenal work, and intense, rewarding experiences that people identify with happiness. Flow occurs when you are fully present and engaged in what you are doing; the concept of time melts away in a commitment to the goal-oriented activity. This feeling requires being occupied and engaged for uninterrupted chunks of your day without ever once thinking that youre rushed for time. People who are busy do not get this feeling. 2. Recognize that you are addicted to busy. You like what busy does for you. Busy gives you an excuse for poor performance. Busy gives you a way to ignore parts of your life that are falling apart and need attention. And when what you do makes you feel inadequate รข€" for example, if youre a volunteer, taking care of a parent, meditating or doing other things that are not valued by society busy gives you something to say that society does value. Many people mistakenly feel that busy means important. But busy really means out of control. A full day means planned and prioritized. A busy day means frenetic and unorganized. Full is fine. It is expected. But important people have full days, not busy days, because important people cant afford to be out of control. 3. Prioritize. This does not mean making a to-do list. Nor does it mean making a list of career goals. You need to list what you want in life. It should be a short list, because life is short. Dont make a list of dreams; you need to give up your dreams. Not all, but most. This is because being an adult means making choices. It means admitting that we cannot do everything and choosing to devote the time we have to whats most important. By not making choices, you arent facing the realities of adulthood. By scheduling your days with more things than you can accomplish, you are not taking control of your life. Youre letting chance take control. Chance will dictate what gets done because you refuse to prioritize. 4. Say no. Whenever someone asks you to do something, be ready to say no. Your priorities at work, home, and during your personal and networking time should be clear. Do not worry that youll hurt someones feelings by saying no. To do something well, you must be focused. That takes self-discipline. But when you say yes to please someone, it shows you lack the self discipline to be truly focused. Saying no is a gift to the people and projects that are the priorities in your life. You do not automatically have to say yes to everything youre asked to do at work either. Your boss establishes your priorities. If she then gives you work that would compromise those priorities, you can refuse (with an explanation). Sticking to the plan will makes you look smart and committed. 5. Change how you talk. Dont ever say again that youre busy. If this is your current response, realize you cant bear to give up your dreams and being busy veils your fear of underperformance. You need to say something more honest than busy. When you have done the first four steps, you will no longer be busy. You will have room to be focused and enthralled. Then, when someone says, How have you been? you will have something more interesting and engaging to say than Busy.

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